"The properties of a material always determine the qualities of the construction."
  • Großes Tropenhaus
  • 1a Page Street
  • Musée Mineralique
  • Pfaffensteinstraße
  • Siemens Headquarter
  • Nordsilo
  • Hans Otto Theatre
  • Colour Activity House
  • Joseph Pschorr House
  • Baumhaus Hotel Vieux Manior


Helium Liquefier IFW

Project:Helium Liquefier IFW 
Location:Dresden, Germany
Architect: Schultze & Blum
Client:IFW Dresden
Work:Planning of a load bearing glazing structure, managing process of acquiring permission from building authorities
Photo:Stefan Unnewehr

In the context of our work as GSK GmbH Dresden.
Heliumverflüssigungsanlage IFW
Helium Liquefier IFW
Helium Liquefier IFW
Helium Liquefier IFW
Helium Liquefier IFW