"The properties of a material always determine the qualities of the construction."
  • Großes Tropenhaus
  • ADG Schloss Montabaur
  • Hans Otto Theatre
  • Musée Mineralique
  • Heliumverflüssigungsanlage IFW
  • Pfaffensteinstraße
  • Open Workshop
  • Colour Activity House
  • Regional Protestant Church Office
  • Nordsilo


Siemens Headquarter

Project: Siemens Headquarter

Location: Munich, Germany

Client: Colt International GmbH

Work: Louvre glass work and support construction statics, managing process of acquiring permission from building authorities

Date: 2014

Photos: Frank Fischer

Siemens Headquarter
Siemens Headquarter
Siemens Headquarter
Siemens Headquarter
Siemens Headquarter
Siemens Headquarter