"Glass can be more than just the transparent shell."
  • Verbindungsbrücke Kontorhaus
  • Siemens Headquarter
  • Joseph Pschorr House
  • ADG Schloss Montabaur
  • Heliumverflüssigungsanlage IFW
  • Alfred Brehm House
  • Open Workshop
  • Regional Protestant Church Office
  • Nordsilo
  • Großes Tropenhaus

Binding under building legislation and civil law: DIN 18008

In 2014 and 2015, the German federal states successively introduced “DIN 18008 Glass in Building”. This new standard for glazing dimensioning replaces the technical regulations TRLV, TRAV and TRPV. This means that the previously standard concept for glazing dimensioning is being changed from documentation being required on tension and deflection to partial safety factors. “This documentation concept is up to date with regard to the Eurocode and is far more appropriate for a brittle material such as glass”, explains Sebastian Rücker, Managing Director of glasfaktor Ingenieure GmbH.

Requirement to provide documentation

As of the introduction of this standard, it is binding under building legislation and civil law. Companies working in construction will have further responsibilities: they will have to provide their customers or the inspecting engineers / building authorities documentary evidence of stability and fitness for purpose in line with DIN 18008. “Many companies working on contracts are still not aware of this”, explains Sebastian Rücker. “If you don't keep records you run the risk of installing glazing with the wrong dimensioning. That can have tricky financial consequences, even years later.”

Expert engineering knowledge required

For this reason it is important when planning projects to involve a specialist in glazing dimensioning as early on as possible. The complexity of glazing dimensioning – in large part thanks to the introduction of DIN 18008 – means that glass cannot reliably be sized without expert engineering knowledge and precise information on how the sheets are to be integrated. “Just using calculation software is no guarantee that you'll get the right glass thickness”, Sebastian Rücker warns.